10 March, 14:27
INжир Медиа

Chernobyl 2.0: Less Than One Night Before Disaster

This evening may be the last safe one for Europe. This is not exaggeration, just a fact. At night, the fuel that provides current for the refrigerating units of the nuclear facilities on the Chernobyl power plant is going to run out.

Overheating of the reactor threatens with a nuclear disaster with leakage of radioactive substance, and evaporating of the water from the refrigerating systems threatens with emission of this substance into the atmosphere. Now the power plant is being controlled by the Russian military who do not adhere to the norms of security on nuclear power objects and do not allow to renew the supply of electricity to the refrigerating units of the Chernobyl power plant. Even if they state that there is no threat anymore, this may be far from truth. Demand instant reaction and the access of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) monitors to all nuclear energy objects of Ukraine from the governments of your countries. Because tomorrow it may be too late to regret your own carelessness and inactivity.